Post-Starstruck Experience

Guess what happened at work today?

Out of the blue, while I was doing my work, my colleague appeared by my desk and said:

“Hey,Mr Sia wants to see you.”


Immediately, my thoughts turned to yesterday’s encounter and specifically to yesterday’s post.

Die lah. Die lah. Kenny’s gonna sue me for putting his pic on my blog without his permission.

“Come on,” she urged.

“Who’s Mr Sia?”

Please not Kenny. Please not him. Or anyone related to him. Die lah. Die lah…

Fortunately for me, it wasn’t Kenny, of course, and I don’t think Mr Sia is related to him.

But then again, I could be wrong.


OMG! Kenny?

The  CRAZIEST thing happened today…

Me, my brother and my sis-in-law were at one of the recreation parks* here in Kuching around 5pm.

“Maybe we’ll see Kenny Sia**” My brother smiled as we made our way onto the jogging track.

I wasn’t there to jog. I was just strolling along while sms-ing some friends.He and my sis-in-law then broke off in a jog in front of me.

No sooner had they left my side, I heard some heavy laboured breathing right behind me.

Then a guy wearing a white sleeveless shirt, blue running shorts and an ipod strapped on his left upper arm, huffed past me. I glanced at him and I couldn’t believe my eyes!

That’s him! I thought.
Yes, that’s definitely the back of his head!

And then suddenly, he turns around.


He started back the way he came as if he’d dropped or forgot something on the way, and I was still in shock at seeing him IN PERSON that I could not react.

Instead, I called out to my brother, who was still in sight, and ran up to him and was like: “It’s him! It’s him! It’s Kenny Sia!”


We looked down the track where I’d come from but he was no longer in sight…so they started jogging again.

I continued along, occasionally glancing over my shoulder in hope of crossing paths with him again. Once was lucky. Twice was an opportunity I would not give up!

And I guess it really was my lucky day.

I heard him come up from behind me again.

This time I was ready…

He was coming up beside me.

I looked at him.
He had the “please-don’t-recognize-me” look on his face.

Unfortunately for him:

Me: “You’re Kenny Sia, right?”

He hesitated. “Yes.”

Me: “Can I take a picture with you?”

Kenny: “With me jogging and all sweaty?”

Me: “That’s OK. You don’t have to touch me.”
(Stupid! Stupid! Thing. To. Say.)

Kenny: “Sure.”


And then, I texted Arch and Bong:
“OMG! I spoke to Kenny Sia – IN PERSON!”

Bong replied:
“No photo no talk. Bwahahaha”

Well, what can I say?




No photoshop liao…100% original pic =p

*the name of the place is confidential to give Mr Sia some space.Hehe.
**a local celebrity blogger